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According to a new study, marital bliss may be linked to your genes. Scientists have found that one’s genes can influence feelings of happiness and security in a marriage, as well as your spouses’.

There are so many must do’s and rules that people talk about for a successful marriage, however, can genes tell you more? Will this end the almanac and zodiac compatibility? Do you want to find out more about your marriage compatibility genes?

Handpicked article for you: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

What are marriage compatibility genes? It is the analysis of genetic variations associated with differences in certain psychological attributes.

The study conducted by researchers at Yale School of Public Health  showed that individuals with a specific variant of the oxytocin receptor gene, tend to have greater satisfaction in their marriages than those with other genotypes—and  their warm and fuzzy feelings spill over to boost their spouses’ happiness quotient as well.

Aptly named the ‘love drug’, oxytocin is the hormone that is released when you hug or cuddle with a loved one, triggering feelings of trust, contentment and empathy.

It is also essential for mother-child bonding and helps in childbirth and breastfeeding.  

People with the GG genotype are perceived to be more caring, empathetic and pro-social than those with the AG or AA genotypes, thanks to their gene variations influence on oxytocin levels.

The study on marital satisfaction found that people carrying the GG genotype reported less ‘anxious attachment’, a type of relationship insecurity that is associated with low self-worth, high rejection sensitivity, jealous and intrusive behaviour.

It also unearthed the ‘partner effect’, wherein one spouse’s GG genotype traits of being more secure and responsive in a marriage caused greater marital satisfaction for the other spouse, irrespective of their genotype.

Interestingly, the study also found that wives with the GG genotype were less likely to have children than wives with the AA or AG genotypes.

The study was conducted on 178 heterosexual, married couples in the 37-90 age group, who gave in buccal swabs for DNA testing.

The couples were questioned in depth about various relationship aspects, including levels of agreement and dispute when dealing with matters like family finances, health concerns and sexual relations, their levels of support for each other, recreational activities, etc.

They were then asked to rate their feelings about their relationship with their partners and evaluated on measures of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance.

Researchers estimate that the genotype accounts for around 4% of the variance in marital satisfaction.

Marriage compatibility gene is not so much about predicting outcomes as it is about self-empowerment through self-awareness.

For example, people with a higher genetic score for lower satisfaction can take measures to actively prevent unhappiness and work towards creating a more positive environment.

Most people are usually aware of their innate instincts. However, a personality genetic report can reveal several aspects that people are generally unaware.

Xcode Life’s Personality report provides information on extraversionness, intelligence,  entrepreneurship potential and more than 25 such traits. You can find out more about it here.

So far, conventional ‘wisdom’ and popularly touted adages like “early to bed, early to rise” have always favored people who are early risers.

People who stretch their gym worn bodies and sip into their coffees well before daylight are most often depicted as go-getters and people who are keen on scaling heights.

However, successful people like Mark Zuckerberg and Jonah Peretti are night owls.

Everyone has a friend who works best at night. Someone who seems bored in the morning but active at night. Or someone who calls for a meeting at 8:00 a.m and has already put in 2 hours of work by then!

What drives people to get up early or to function better at night? A new 23andme study reveals interesting new information

Genetics of being a morning lark or a night owl

Differences in sleep patterns among humans served an evolutionary purpose.

Staggered sleep timings meant that there was someone awake all the time, watching over the group.

The advent of farming, unfortunately, meant that people who woke up early were adorned with greater significance, as the seeds had to be sown early morning.

This association of morning people being better performers, however, has unnecessarily continued into our technology age.

A previous study by 23andme using information from the UK biobank study showed that there were 24 genetic variants, especially in genes associated with circadian rhythm, associated with morningness.

The current study has revealed more than 300 genetic variants associated with being a morning person.

Apart from revealing more genetic variants in circadian rhythm genes, genetic variants in other associated genes provide clues to the various mechanisms that correlate with our sleep-wake cycle.

Handpicked article for you: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

Who is better at waking up to the first rays of the sun?

Does even a slight shuffling noise keep you awake at night? Or do you wake up at the first click of your morning alarm?

Some people seem more sensitive to light around them while others can sleep right through it?

Could these be our light sensitivity genes?

The latest 23andme study on morningness has found that certain genetic variants (RGS16 and INADL) associated with the function and development of retinal ganglion cells are also associated with our circadian rhythm.  

This finding highlights that variations in the detection of external light signals may play a role in whether we are a morning person or a night owl.

This could partially explain why a morning person finds it hard to sleep in during the day!

Do hunger pangs wake you up? Here is why

Everybody has a 24-hour circadian rhythm, also called the internal clock, that coordinates various functions in tune with the body clock.

For example, the body temperature drops when it is time for the body to rest while it picks up when it is time to get up.

The 23andMe study has found that genetic variants associated with appetite (FTO) and insulin secretion are also associated with being a morning person or a night owl.

Other variants include those associated with nicotine metabolism and caffeine metabolism.

Also read: Changing your meal timing may help you lose weight, according to genetic research.

Circadian rhythm and disease

An interesting finding in this study is that certain genetic variants associated with morningness or night owl are also associated with schizophrenia and depression.

Morningness was negatively associated with depression and schizophrenia while there was a positive association with well-being.

Certain observational studies have shown that circadian rhythm mismatch could lead to an increase in the risk of schizophrenia.

Does that mean night shift workers who go against their natural circadian rhythms are at higher risk of disease?

For this, a study that focuses on genetic variants, mismatched circadian rhythm and disease risk is required.

Finding out if you are a morning person or a night owl will help in finding out which part of the day you are more likely to have higher energy levels.

Most people are usually aware of their innate instincts.

However, a personality genetic report can reveal several such aspects that people are generally unaware.

Xcode Life’s Personality report provides information on being a morning person or night owl, extraversion, intelligence,  entrepreneurship potential, and more than 25 such traits.

Starting out on a new fitness regimen can seem like taking a shot in the dark.

What type of exercises would you have to do to get abs like Chris Evans in Captain America?

Is a personal trainer, lifting weights and hot yoga all that is needed? One thing you know for sure is that not everyone in your exercise group will show the same results.

There is an underlying factor that has an impact on the type of exercise that would better suit you.

A UK biobank study conducted on 95,105 participants has shown that the time spent sitting, sleeping or even moving is determined in part by our genes.

How active are you? How long do you really need to sleep? How will being lazy affect your health? Find out more about your exercise genes

You might also be interested in: Optimize Your Weight Loss Plan With Your 23andMe Raw Data

Physical inactivity and obesity- Another chicken and egg story!

According to WHO, 1 in 4 adults is not active enough and 80% of adolescents are insufficiently physically active, costing 50 billion $ in healthcare costs every year.

Physical inactivity is one of the leading cause of death and can lead to conditions like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

A common conundrum for scientists has been whether physical inactivity leads to obesity or whether obesity causes physical inactivity.

An understanding of genetic variants and their influence on physical inactivity will help in determining the relationship with obesity and can be used to identify preventive measures.

In the UK Biobank study, the participants were made to wear activity trackers for 7 days.

To identify the type of activity they were involved in, 200 volunteers wore a special camera that took images every 20 seconds. Their saliva sample was used to carry out genetic analysis.

The study found that 18% of the variation in physical activity and sleep duration may be due to genetic variants.

Hand-picked content for you: Does Your FTO Gene Variant Pave The Way To Obesity?

Exercise your way to better heart health

There have been numerous studies that have reported a reduction in blood pressure on increased physical activity.

However, this study has shown a causal relationship between genetic variants, increased physical activity, and lower blood pressure, and subsequently lower the risk of hypertension

Derive the motivation to exercise- use it to lose it!

Sometimes a little extra nudge is needed for some people to start exercising!

Would that be an increased risk of physical inactivity, lower motivation to exercise or even an increased risk for obesity?

After all, it is innate in humans to push harder when you know something may go wrong if you don’t.

Hand-Picked article for you: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

Find the right type of exercise

Individuals vary in their response to exercise, their risk for injury, exercise recovery duration and even risk of fatigue.

Such information is important while designing a fitness regimen.

As this UK Biobank study found, there is a causal relationship between genetic variants and blood pressure.

Better physical activity could help improve blood pressure levels.

Scientific studies have also shown an association with genetic variants and HDL cholesterol levels, insulin sensitivity and weight loss.

Apart from working hard at the gym, it is also important to eat right and get the right nutrition for better health and fitness.

The influence of genetic variants is just one part of the puzzle, other factors include actually getting out and working out!

Health and fitness magazines can provide a lot of generic advice on staying fit but a fitness genetic report can reveal several aspects that people are generally unaware.

Do you have your DNA raw data from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FTDNA, MyHeritage?

Upload your DNA raw data to Xcode Life now to get personalized and actionable diet recommendations!

Our Gene Fitness Report covers 15+ categories including information on power and endurance capacity, tendon and ligament strength, injury risk, and exercise recovery.

New Year resolutions are formulated from such a sense of self-awareness and a need for self-improvement.

However, do new year resolutions really work? What is the biggest kept secret about why some people stick to them while some others don’t? Find out more about your resolution genes.

Trivia: The ancient Romans offered resolutions of good conduct to god Janus, after whom January is named. This is the origin for New Year resolutions and the practice of focussing on self - initiated change.

The scientists at 23andme started a unique research study to identify what made some people make new year resolutions and what made them stick to it.

For the past three years, in March every year, 23andme customers who consented to be a part of the study were posed the following two questions.

Did you make a New Year resolution this year?

Those who answered “no” for this were considered controls

Those who answered “yes” were called “Resolvers

How well have you been able to follow up on your New Year resolution until now?

The study participants could select one of these responses “very well,” “well,” “average,” “poorly,” or “very poorly.”

Those who answered “average,” “poorly,” or “very poorly” were again treated as controls.

Those who answered “very well” or “well,” were called “adherers

Everyone seems to make new year resolutions or do they? Here are the results

Who is more likely to make New Year resolutions?

The verdict on this one: Women!

Is this an indication of women being a little too self-critical? Or is it in their DNA to want to set everything right?

A Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) was carried out by 23andMe researchers, and three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found to be significantly associated with the likelihood of making New Year resolutions, with women being more likely than men to do so.

Who is more likely to stick to resolutions though?

The verdict on this one: Men!

The genome-wide association study did not yield any significant SNP in this study, and it could be because the sample size was relatively small. There were 34,000 cases and 41,000 controls.

The secret is out…

Genes play an important role in every aspect of our health and wellbeing, they code for the proteins that are associated with how well we breakdown the macronutrients in our diet, to how much of ‘happy’ dopamine is secreted.

Similarly, the resolve to make New year resolutions has been found to be associated with a SNP rs6680701, which is close to the gene BRINP2 (BNP/Retinoic acid-inducible neural specific 2).

This gene has previously been shown to be associated with personality traits like openness, which is a trait associated with trying unconventional and new experiences.

Hand-Picked article for you: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

Gene knockout study:

In a knockout study on mice lacking BRINP2 by Susan Berkowicz and colleagues in 2016, the lack of the genes was associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and the mice showed symptoms which were similar to autism spectrum disorder.

These studies show an association of this gene with neuronal development, so it is not surprising that a SNP close to this gene has been now found to be associated with making resolutions.

Most people are usually aware of their innate instincts.

However, a personality genetic report can reveal several such aspects that people are generally unaware.

Xcode Life’s Personality Report provides information on openness, extraversion ness, intelligence,  entrepreneurship potential, and more than 25 such traits.

Maternal zinc intake could lower autism risk.

Here is some refreshing news for pregnant mothers, babies who get sufficient Zinc during the early stages of development have a lowered risk of autism. Autism is known to be caused by a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors, a new study shows that zinc could be one of them.

The study conducted by Stanford University School of Medicine has identified a possible mechanistic link between Zinc deficiency and autism. Zinc, according to the researchers, shapes the synapses or the connections between the brain cells that are formed during the early stages of development.

Zinc supplementation for genetic risk of autism.

Autism is associated with specific genetic variants that are involved in the formation, maturation of synapses during the early stages of development. The zinc levels interact with the proteins  that are encoded by these genes, possibly leading to autism.

Such epigenetic variation in gene expression has brought to the fore the importance of nutrition in the developing foetus. Other examples of epigenetic influences on autism risk include the presence of ethyl mercury in vaccines and the presence of toxic elements like cadmium, mercury and arsenic.

Hedgehog signalling.

The hedgehog signalling pathway refers to the signalling pathway associated with information transmission to developing embryonic cells for proper differentiation. Shank proteins are important scaffold proteins in the hedgehog signalling pathway, which are known to connect neurotransmitter receptors as well as  ion channels to the actin cytoskeleton and G-protein-coupled signaling pathways. These proteins that are associated with the maturation of adjacent signal receptors called ‘AMPAR’ during the early stages of development. Genetic variations in genes that code for Shank proteins are associated with autism as they result in inactive Shank 2 and Shank 3 proteins.

Hand-Picked article for you: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

How does zinc help in Autism?

Zinc binds to these Shank proteins, which results in changes in composition and maturation of AMPAR signalling. This study provides a molecular link between Zinc supplementation and risk of autism, however, the study was not conducted on pregnant women to verify this information.

Maternal zinc intake and autism risk

Zinc is an important micronutrient which is associated with the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates form the food and also in the synthesis of new cells and enzymes.

Foods rich in zinc include dairy foods, meat and shellfish. People of certain genetic types require increased amount of zinc in their diet. 

Maternal zinc intake and autism risk

An excess of zinc could affect absorption of copper and result in the development of anemia and bone weakening. An understanding of a risk for autism will help in modifying diet and lifestyle to lower risk for the condition.

Find out your genetic risk for autism by getting Xcode’s health report.

Do fitness genes or sports genes really exist? Is there something as a champion DNA? Is it nature or nurture or both? Why can't we all run like Usain Bolt or swim like Michael Phelps?  is it just because we don't train like them or  do they have fitness genes that are best suited for their sport? It turns out that there is a lot more to human physical performance then just dedicated training, which though absolutely essential, is not the only determining factor.

Here are a few incredible facts about physical fitness genes influencing human performance:

Fitness genes fact 1: 32 members of the Kalenjin tribe in Kenya ran a marathon faster than 2 hours and 10 minutes in October 2011, compared to 17 men who achieved the same feat in the whole of American history! 

Fitness genes fact 2: Michael Phelps' lower body is proportionate with that of someone 5'5" while his upper body is proportionate with that of a 6'5" individual. Great swimmers have disproportionate arms length and wingspan compared to the average person. You cannot train for that!

Fitness genes fact 3: The serving arms of tennis players have forearm bones a quarter of an inch longer than the forearm bones of the other arm. This is true of non-athletes as well. We tend to have more bone in the arm we write with, simply because we use it more, so the bone becomes stronger and capable of supporting more muscle. This is an example of body adapting to routine. But we are all not made the same, the adaptive response of some individuals is much better than others, thanks to their fitness genes.

Fitness genes fact 4: 17% of men in America who are taller than seven feet and between 20 and 40 years of age are playing in the NBA.

Fitness genes fact 5: Finnish skier Eero Mäntyranta became the “greatest endurance athlete” of his generation in part because of a mutation in his erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) gene which helps produce excessive amounts of red blood cells. His family was found to carry this gene. People whose ancestors have lived in higher altitude environment under less oxygen have developed adaptions such as larger lung size, greater RBC count to compensate for lower oxygen in the environment.

Fitness genes fact 6: Less than one in 20,000 women in the general population have a Y chromosome but are insensitive to testosterone and thus develop as females. Over the course of testing at five Olympics, however, an average of 1 in every 421 female competitors had a Y chromosome. This is not just fitness genes but a whole chromosome!

Fitness genes fact 7: The guys with a lot of fast-twitch fibers that can contract their muscles very fast have much more risk of a hamstring injury than those with a lot more slow-twitch fibers. The former get injured far more often. The most popular of all fitness genes, ACTN3 influences your muscle fiber type.

Fitness genes fact 8: Donald Thomas had barely 8 months of training when he won a gold at the Osaka World Championships in ’07 beating Stefan Holm, despite Holm’s extensive training. Later on, scientists identified one of the key reasons for his dramatic success – a 10.5” uncharacteristically long Achilles tendon. The longer and stiffer the tendon, the more elastic energy it can store, and when stretched, rocket its owner into air.

Fitness genes fact 9: Croatian Water Polo players’ arm's length increase more than an inch, 5 times more than that of the Croatian general population.

Fitness genes fact 10: Slow kids cannot be fast adults. Speed is partially determined by the proportion of slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers in the body. Fast-twitch muscles give you more speed while slow-twitch muscles give you more endurance. It's possible to train fast-twitch muscles to have more endurance, but you can't get slow-twitch muscles to act like fast-twitch muscles.

Fitness genes fact 11: Redheads have a higher tolerance for certain types of pain. The same gene mutation is responsible for both phenomena. In the extreme scenario, there are individuals who are completely insensitive to pain, even when they fracture their bones, they don't feel any pain!!

Fitness genes fact 12: 10% of people with European ancestry have a gene mutation that allows them to inject testosterone and not test positive in a dope test!!

Fitness genes fact 13: Only two players in the NBA in 2010-11 didn't have unusually large wingspans. Humans typically have a height to wingspan ratio of 1:1, it's 1:1.063 among NBA players.

Fitness genes fact 14: Heat dissipation is critical for endurance running as the Central Nervous System forces a shutdown or stop of effort as body’s core temperature passes 104∘ F. Marathoner Paula Radcliffe typically fails during summer marathons (2004, 2008 Olympics) because her smaller skin area (relative to her volume) means her body cannot dissipate heat as efficiently as shorter runners.

Fitness genes fact 15: The more the proportion of fast-twitch fibers a person has, the lower their capacity to burn fat – one possible reason sprint and power athletes tend to be bulkier than endurance runners. Among the 6 DNA variants that influence heft, the most critical is the FTO gene.

Fitness genes fact 16: A discussion of sports genetics is incomplete without the mention of Myostatin- the double muscle gene– Carriers of this gene mutation do not produce myostatin which is present in majority of us. Myostatin breaks down muscle in the human body, hence, absence of myostatin leads to net accumulation of muscles over time. People (and animals) with myostatin mutations are highly muscular.

Hand-Picked article for you: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

In the realm of sports doping, genetics is expected to play a dominant role as more gene modification techniques are introduced. Gene doping is now officially listed on the world antidoping authority website.

Watch this space for more facts. We will update this list regularly!

Also read about the Top 5 Fitness Genetic Testing companies here

The Indian Cricket Team's Genetic Testing Experience

The realization that DNA testing has a tremendous impact on sports performance is only beginning to happen. It has been recognized for ages that physical attributes such as eye color, hair color, height, etc are inherited, however, the impact of genetics on physiology and physical performance has been vastly underappreciated. Though humans have been breeding racehorses for speed and cows for milk yield and other plants and animals for centuries, the same parallels are not applied to human performance and genetic selection. Rather, the view that nurture is far more impactful than nature (genetics), prevails. The fact is that nature and nurture both are critical at the elite level. Hence genetic testing can help appropriately nurture, what nature has bestowed.

Here are a set of facts that will make you question this prevailing belief:

  1. Women who have a Y chromosome make up less than 20,000 in number. They are insensitive to testosterone and hence develop as females. While testing female competitors from over 5 Olympics it was found that 1 in every 421 of them had a Y chromosome.
  2. 32 members of the Kalenjin tribe in Kenya ran a marathon faster than 2 hours and 10 minutes in October 2011, compared to 17 men who achieved the same feat in the whole of American history.
  3. The serving arms of tennis players have forearm bones a quarter of an inch longer than the forearm bones of the other arm.
  4. Legendary marathoner Paula Radcliffe has a smaller skin area hampering her heat dissipating capacity. This is why she typically failed during summer marathons (2004, 2008 Olympics).
  5. Croatian Water Polo players’ arm's length is more than an inch, 5 times more than that of the Croatian general population.

Genetics has a vast impact on every possible manifestation of your biology from the color of your eye to your sporting abilities. Retired Formula One champion Nico Rosberg said that he owed 66% of his success to genetics and 33% to nurturing. The BCCI announced yesterday that DNA testing for Indian cricketers has been introduced to complement their training program. This is indeed a welcome development that will do wonders for individual performance if harnessed appropriately. Here is a comparative analysis of the top 5 fitness DNA testing companies.

DNA testing for elite sportspeople, that was first introduced for their players by the NBA, involves extracting the DNA from a sample. The DNA thus extracted is either sequenced or genotyped for a set of genes. All genes have more than one forms. This is why though all of us are engineered similarly we differ tremendously from our blood type to our hair color. Similarly, as per your genes, you may be more inclined to power sports like weightlifting than sports that involve endurance capabilities like tennis and running marathons. DNA testing makes a lot of sense in cricket because a variety of qualities a player is required to have. For example each of the 11 players bat, bowl, and field as and when required. Spending long hours in extreme weather conditions fielding may be easier for an endurance player, whereas batting and bowling require sudden energy shots that is easier for a power player. It is easier to strike a balance when you know exactly how you are made. Based on this information all external factors like diet, sleep habits, the kind of exercises to add to your routine.

Hand-Picked article for you: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

Key genetic attributes in Cricket that can be influenced by DNA testing:

Batting: Power, endurance (long innings and running between wickets), Neuro-Motor coordination, vision, depth perception, eye frame rate, reaction time

Bowling: Power (pace), Stiffness (for sprinting and throwing), high lactate threshold, flexibility (range of motion) for smooth action, cardiovascular fitness, aerobic capacity, high red blood cell count, low surface to volume ratio- slender limbs and torso (low air resistance)

Fielding: sprinting, cardiovascular fitness, endurance, higher water retention (during prolonged exposure to heat), vision, depth perception and reaction time.

In BCCI’s recent announcement, they mentioned testing for 40 genes related to fitness, diet, and health for their players. Xcode Life screens for more than 500 genetic markers for fitness and nutrition. When it comes to the fitness of international elite player it is not just strength and stamina that comes into play. Traits like flexibility, the likelihood of injury, recovery from injuries and aerobic capacity play a major part. Similarly, when it comes to the diet, it is not just your food choices. How well you respond to macronutrients and your various mineral and vitamin requirement are significant in terms of both short-term and long-term benefits. All of these cannot be covered by 40 genes.

Xcode Life’ DNA test for diet, fitness, and health covers more than 500 genetic markers and a wide range of traits.

Also read: 15 Incredible Genetic Facts About Sports, Fitness and Athletic Performance

Xcode Life Reports

  1. Nutrition
  2. Fitness
  3. Health
  4. Allergy
  5. Skin
  6. Precision Medicine
  7. Methylation and MTHFR
  8. Carrier Status
  9. Personality
  10. Breast Cancer and BRCA
  11. ACMG
  12. COVID-19 Genetic Report
How To Analyze DNA Raw Data

The vast majority of the people are trying to analyze DNA raw data results from ancestry genetic testing companies like 23andMe, Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), Living DNA etc., and other raw DNA data providers. However, they are completely unaware that their raw DNA data also contains vast amounts of other information.

These companies do not perform genome sequencing. They instead use microarray genotyping to get ancestry and health information. This may be about their health aspects such as diet, nutrition, obesity, diabetes, fitness, allergies, weight loss, detox analysis, skincare etc.

Those who are aware are mostly familiar with Promethease, an SNPedia-based literature retrieval system. Promethease reports gained popularity after the FDA ban on 23andme providing health reports to customers. With the FDA ban, there was a huge demand for alternative 23andme health report providers. Promethease report was positioned well to benefit well from this development.

Fast forward to 2018, the landscape of alternative health report providers and third-party tools has matured significantly. A number of options are available to people with 23andme raw data and data from other ancestry DNA test providers. These options are well covered in our recent blog titled 10 Amazing Tools For 23andme Raw Data Analysis.

In this blog, we address, what more and what else you can do with your ancestry DNA test raw data? This blog will open up a number of possibilities to those who wish to explore their raw DNA to the fullest.

Hand-Picked article for you: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

I. Health Reports

DNA Raw Data analysis

This is a concept most users of 23andme are familiar with.

Arguably, this is one of the motivations for people to opt for DNA testing services from 23andme in lieu of, FTDNA and other ancestry companies.

23andme used to provide a health report before the FDA ban on their health results.

23andMe now provides a significantly scaled down version of the DNA health reports which are approved by the FDA for $99. However, a lot more health info can be gained from the ancestry DNA test raw data that you obtain from 23andme. Health conditions like hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and obesity are all manageable and very much preventable when detected early.

A number of genetic markers have been discovered for a variety of other health conditions, ranging from cancer to autoimmune conditions. Learning about your genetic predisposition helps you keep a tab on early symptoms and take preemptive action.

A comparison between Xcode Life and Promethease as third-party tools for raw data analysis have been done previously.

II. Nutrition Insights

Nutrition has a profound impact on human health. Several aspects of nutrition are genetically influenced. Macronutrient metabolism, micronutrient requirements, food intolerances like lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance are familiar to many people.

However, there are several more aspects that are genetically influenced. Third party raw data analysis tools will help you interpret your raw DNA data to get these results.

Once you understand your genetic nutritional tendencies, you can align your dietary habits accordingly. Your genetic data will help you eliminate many of the genetic food intolerance and sensitivity related symptoms. These are a useful set of insights to get from your ancestry DNA test genetic data.

Get your nutrition genetic report from your DNA raw data here

III. Fitness Reports

Human physical attributes are clearly genetically influenced, for example, height is largely genetic, so is wingspan and flexibility, etc.

Several other attributes such as red blood cell count, heart capacity, lung capacity, muscle strength,  all are significantly genetically influenced.

Additionally, whether you are largely built for endurance type of activities or sprint or powertype activities is also genetically influenced. So, whether you are an amateur or professional sportsperson, all you need is your DNA raw data.

Fitness reports generated by analyzing your raw DNA data will help you align your activities with your genes.

Get your fitness genetic report from your DNA raw data here

IV. Allergy Reports

Those of us who are allergic to anything can relate to the nightmarish experience that seemingly harmless entities can cause. Allergy information can also be extracted by a raw DNA data analysis.

Close to 20-25% of the adrenaline administrations in schools happen because the allergies were unknown at the time of the reaction. More than 170 foods have been found to instigate allergic reactions in the body. Some of the common food allergies come from milk, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish and crustacean shellfish. You can learn about your susceptibility to these allergens by analyzing your ancestry DNA raw data. These are only food allergies. An estimated 10% of the population is allergic to objects like pollen, animal dander, droppings of cockroaches and contact with dust mites.

Learning about your allergy susceptibilities can be life-saving. And it is as simple as a raw DNA data analysis. You can now extract this information about your allergy predisposition from your ancestry DNA test raw data.

Using hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific literature third-party tools examine genetic markers corresponding to each type of allergy. Based your variant gene, your body is at a higher or lower risk of invoking an exaggerated response to an allergen.

This keeps you alert. Also helps you take proactive measures like avoiding certain foods, saying no to tattoos.

Other forms of allergies covered in a genetic report are misophonia and histamine intolerance.

Get your allergy genetic report from your DNA raw data here

V. Skin Reports

Skin is one of the most dynamic organs in the body. It interacts with environmental agents like sunlight (ultraviolet radiation), pollutants, chemicals and internal factors like hormonal regulation. Maintaining skin health would require knowledge of your underlying genetics.

For example, each of us will display a different kind of reaction on exposure to light. This information can be extracted from your ancestry DNA raw data. Some skin types are immune to strong light but others develop rosacea characterized by red skin eruptions. This is often misdiagnosed as acne and hence becomes worse over time because it is not given specific treatment.

Another example is the development of cellulite or orange peel syndrome that manifests as skin dimpling and nodularity. This is common in the abdomen and pelvic regions. Cellulite affects about 85-98% women. Your susceptibility to cellulite is influenced by the type of gene variants you have in your raw DNA data results.

Even how much you tan is genetically influenced!

Now you can see why generic face creams and medications fail no matter how many times you change brands.

Analyzing DNA raw data will give you skin insights which will help you treat and manage skin conditions. Or just maintain a healthy and glowing skin.

Get your skin genetic report from your DNA raw data here

VI.Precision Medicine Reports

According to industry statistics, on average more than 50% of medications prescribed today do not benefit those who take them.

Precision medicine through genetics promises to deliver right drug at the right dose to the right patient using your personal DNA data.

Doing a DNA raw data analysis will help you learn about your genetic polymorphisms. Specifically those that impact the majority of the drugs you consume on a regular basis.

And what do you need for getting this precious information from your DNA  data? Once you analyze your DNA raw data you can download the raw data DNA file. This has most of the information necessary to create your precision medicine drug sensitivity report.

Download your DNA files from the following genetic testing companies now:


Ancestry DNA

Family Tree

Analyze your DNA raw data with caution

Please bear in mind that the vast majority of human traits are not influenced by a single gene. Rather, they are a combination of smaller effects produced by a number of genes. When you order a report from any DNA testing service, you must bear in mind that these are based on likelihood. This means that the effect was observed on a group of individuals, who also happen to carry the same genetic variants.

Whether or not you will see the same effect is dependent on a number of factors, the science of  which has not been fully mapped out yet. So, use this information in that context and do not be alarmed when you see concerning information.

Genetics should be considered as additional information to be added to your analysis, not a diagnosis.

Here is another interesting article on What Else You Can Do With Your DNA Raw Data

Did I miss out any other application? Drop them in comments below.

With growing popularity of genetic testing, many individuals naturally ask, what kind of DNA testing is right for me? The answer to that is driven by your immediate and long-term needs, interests and budget. The following gives you an overview of different DNA testing methods, features, limitations, and costs.

Type of assayDetailsExamplesNo. of genesEstimated costsLimitations
Specific genotyping testThis type of DNA testing is typically prescribed by your physician or dietitian or other professional practitioners to check the type of a specific gene.Lactose intolerance, Gluten Intolerance, MTHFR, Plavix response, Warfarin sensitivitytypically less than 10< $50You only learn about a specific gene and other genetic data is not captured.
Small panel genotyping testThis type of DNA testing is typically prescribed by your physician or other professional practitioners to check on a set of several genes relating to an area of interest.DNA testing for Weight Loss, Skin, Nutrition, fitness, Health predisposition~10-100< $100You only learn about a specific set of genes and other genetic data is not captured.
Large panel genotyping testThis type of DNA testing is typically prescribed by your physician or other professional practitioners or cab be opted for by yourself, to learn about a large number of genes relating to a number of attributes, traits, and conditions.DNA testing for Ancestry, Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Allergies, Cognition, Skin, and Hair>500,000< $200You get to know your genotypes on a large number of genes. You may or may not use all of this info today, but it’s available for future use without having to redo the test.
Single or a set of genes sequencing testThis type of DNA testing is typically prescribed by your physician to check the full sequence of one specific gene or a collection of them.Cancer DNA testing or other inherited diseasetypically up to a 100 genes$200 to $1000You only learn about a specific set of genes and not capture the full genome.
Full genome sequencing testThis type of DNA testing is typically prescribed by your physician to check the full sequence of your entire genome. It’s estimated that only 98% of human genome is known today. But, once you do this test, you do not have to do it again.Cancer genes, other inherited disease, DNA testing for other known attributes such as nutrition, fitness, physical attributes, ancestry, etc.not applicable$1000 to $2000Even though you have the full genome data, only a small part of it is understood today.

You can find a list of some of the popular genetic testing companies here. Please feel free to get in touch with us in case you have any questions in relation to genetic testing.

Also Read: Worrier Or Warrior? Analyze Your DNA Raw Data For COMT – The Warrior Gene

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